Thursday, August 2, 2012

How RWBoP Came To Be

        I moved to Arizona in 2006. I saw Jaymie in an Autism support group meeting sometime in 2007 but before July because I remember being pregnant. I also remember Jaymie talking a lot. She still does. LOL! Our sons ended up in the same program and as I recall we showed up to check out a few things before school started at the same time. We still do the freakiest things. We are truly connected at a deep level so please forgive us when we don't post anything for a while and then all of a sudden, we post nearly the same thing back to back. The brain sharing going on really is at Freak Level. It seems I get the weirdest hunches and Jaymie explains them to me. I once had a dream she was running around without her pants on. Turns out it was her son with Autism, Dano, without pants Kohl's. I know I saw her at least once more before she moved back to California in early 2010. Luckily, we had a mutual friend on Facebook so we saw each other's comments and eventually became friends ourselves. We grew closer and closer and agreed we had to have dinner together when she came into town. This was October 22, 2011. I guess in the same way you just know you are going to spend the rest of your life with Mr. Perfect you met last Wednesday, it was the same for Jaymie and me. I think I said something like "We should be best friends." Jaymie replied "I thought you'd never ask." No, not really. Haha! I don't remember exactly but she was totally on board. And well, that's just the way it's been since.

       We were wanting to do a creative project together for some time. I am not sure what got into me that day but I texted Jaymie that we should do a page together. Of course, again, Jaymie was totally on that same board. We put together our name, asked a friend (thank you Graham) to create a beautiful logo for us and away we went. Being over the top (Jaymie) and OCD, anal-retentive girl (me), we came up with topics that we would post about throughout the week. We still do and we will continue. We have a lot more to talk about than just politics. It just so happens we are at a juncture here in the United States between two totally different roads. We choose to follow Jesus, our savior, down a path of righteousness where we will demand our voices be heard for the sake of this great Country. Our Christian beliefs are under attack and we refuse to cower to this notion that we should keep them to ourselves. We believe in the Constitution of the United States and feel our liberties are under SERIOUS threat with the current Administration. We are coffee and pet lovers, Autism advocates, Christian women who are pro-life, pro-breastfeeding, pro-guns, and oh yeah, we think Socialism sucks.

       As we have grown, there have been times we wanted to write a bit more on a subject so it seemed time to create a blog.  I know we both have quite a few topics flipping around in our brains.  Most of what we have posted on Facebook is shared information, but here, this is just how we see things.  If you enjoy what you are reading then great, stick around.  However, we aren't going to worry about offending anyone.  Jaymie tries to keep me in line at Facebook (haha) but now, well, she is screwed.  :P  We don't know where this journey will lead us but we know it is one we must take.  In every generation, simple men and women are called forward in defense of this great nation and it's Constitution.  When we look back at history, it can sometimes seem more magical or holy than what it is now.  Do not be fooled.  This is the time we as Christians and Americans must unite for the ideals this beloved land of ours was built on.  We will not be silenced, we will not be intimidated, we will not lose faith.  We will be heard loud and clear, "GOD BLESS THE USA!!!".

       - Jaymie & Margaret     

1 comment:

  1. Way to get involved, ladies.... Great to see Mama Grizzlies roaring from coast-to-coast!!


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